Become a member today!
MMA memberships are annual, beginning on January 1 and expiring on December 31 of each year.
MMA accepts personal and institutional checks and credit cards.
Click here to join or renew your membership and pay online.
For check payments, click here to download the MMA Membership Application.
Membership Benefits
Discounted registration for the annual MMA Conference with sessions focused on topics and issues important to the museum profession
Voting privileges at the MMA Annual Meeting
Eligibility to serve on the MMA Board of Directors and committees
Access to scholarship opportunities for SEMC’s Jekyll Island Management Institute (JIMI)
Invitations to special members-only field trips to museums across the state
Detailed institutional listing in the MMA Membership Directory (online)
Eligibility to submit job postings on MMA’s website
Subscription to the MMA e-newsletter and e-blasts
Discounts on purchases from Gaylord Archival (20% off - some exclusions may apply)
Access to a statewide network of colleagues, committed to advancing, voicing public support for, and celebrating the accomplishments of Mississippi's museums
Membership Levels
Individual Membership: Student or Retired - $15.00
Individual Membership: Professional Museum Staff, Volunteer, Board Member - $25.00
Institutional Membership: Level 1 Institutions with an annual operating budget under $50,000 - $50.00
Institutional Membership: Level 2 Institutions with an annual operating budget between $50,000-$199,000 - $100.00
Institutional Membership: Level 3 Institutions with an annual operating budget between $200,000-$499,000 - $150.00
Institutional Membership: Level 4 Institutions with an annual operating budget between $500,000-$1,000,000 - $200.00
Institutional Membership: Level 5 Institutions with an annual operating budget over $1,000,000 - $250.00